# InTheirWords

Jorge Figueredo | Edu-Futuro


“总裁和首席执行官的所有工作人员, 他是前首席财务官,在退休前一直担任Edu-Futuro的财务主管, 分行经理, 企业社会责任在Edu-Futuro的财务之旅中发挥了重要作用. The headquarters are located in a very convenient location and the other branches are always fully staffed, 整洁有序.”…


…Everybody at ACFCU is very friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive to the needs of its members.”

Edu-Futuro的使命是通过教育赋予资源不足的移民青年权力, 领导力发展, 还有家庭参与, 成为改变365体育投注英超联赛欧冠的下一代专业人士.


John Snedden | Rocklands烧烤公司

"ACFCU made my dream to power my restaurants with solar and reduce our carbon footprint a reality."

“ACFCU, 作为一个当地的商人, 真的很有帮助,因为他们真的来见我了, 过来看看这个项目, 明白我们要做的是什么. 与我在一些大银行的经验相比, 是在发送你的提案吗, 回答是“不”或“不适合我们的投资组合”.”…


……与银行进行个人接触,并让业务团队出来, 真正明白我们在努力做的是一种祝福. 我们在华盛顿特区和亚历山大都有业务, 但阿灵顿是一个独特的365体育投注英超联赛欧冠, 这是关于人际关系的. And I think the business team really exemplifies that as they wanted to develop a relationship with us, 把它带过了终点线,帮我们拿到了贷款, 让我们的梦想成真.”

洛克兰是由约翰的家庭餐饮生意发展而来的, 现在有三家分店提供不加糖的高品质烧烤, 盐, 防腐剂, 或染料.


克里斯 & 美拉特汉堡|替代燕麦


“中华全国总工会在一个绝对完美的时机进入了我们的视野. 我们快满一岁了. And we had decided to make a move towards wholesale through a partnership we had developed in Washington DC, 人们的需求是从小袋咖啡转向单杯咖啡. We had kind of exhausted our credit at that point and we didn’t start the business with a slush fund of cash. 我们知道,我们必须做出改变,重新配置,以便……


发展业务,但没有资金. And luckily we were able to start up a discussion with ACFCU and get some credit headed our way. And we did a couple of other things together that we’re able to free up some cash for us and invest in this wholesale program. 它给了我们设备, and it helped us buy up inventory in order to prepare for the launch of our wholesale program.

如果我们没有这样的关系, 我们可能不会有批发生产线.”

另类燕麦是建立在提供美味的原则, 所有的自然, and filling breakfast that is not only convenient but keeps you full through the morning. 我们不追逐流行的饮食趋势, 偷工减料或宣传我们提供的东西以外的任何东西:重新想象的燕麦片.


Dr. Walter Bowman | TeaBow Residential LLC

"ACFCU made my business needs a priority from the very first day and that has not changed since."

“我的公司在去年,也就是2021年成为中华全国总工会的成员. 我对中华全国总工会的第一印象来自于凯文·谢菲尔德. 他非常专业,反应灵敏,平易近人. 作为一名企业主,这对我来说至关重要,让我成为一名快乐的会员……


…The relationship I have with ACFCU is intimate in the sense that I immediately knew this bank did not do business like big banks – where you literally come across as just another account holder. ACFCU made my business needs a priority from the very first day and that has not changed since. When I think of customer service and ACFCU I think of a responsive and seamless process. My business experience has been very personable and my loan was completed with ease in a most timely manner.”

Dr. Bowman co-founded TeaBow Residential in 2016 with the ultimate goal of “Building a Difference”. 自公司成立以来, the staff has grown to over 30 full-time construction team members and a full staffed stellar performing development leadership team.


布列塔尼·格里尔| Rosie Riveters

“我向所有刚刚起步的小企业强烈推荐中华全国总工会. Having a business partner that is local, supportive and a quick phone call away is invaluable."

“I live down the street from Arlington 365体育投注英超联赛欧冠 Federal Credit Union and was interested in banking with a local credit union. 我从2015年就加入了中华全国总工会. Every team member is enthusiastic about helping fulfill our banking needs and find the correct answers to our questions…


我从来没有在中华全国总工会有过糟糕的客户服务经历. 每一位工作人员都竭尽全力确保我们得到很好的照顾. 在小企业的世界里, 中华全国总工会的条款是公平的, 客户服务是一流的, 而且反应时间几乎是即时的. 作为一个小型非营利组织的执行董事, I cannot emphasize how valuable it is to know that anytime I have a banking-related question I can pick up the phone and speak with a live person who is invested in helping me answer my questions.

布列塔尼·格里尔是执行董事 & Rosie Riveters的创始人. Rosie Riveters的目标是缩小STEM领域的性别差距. The programs work toward achieving gender equity in the field by starting early (they begin in preschool and extend through middle school), 参与多次, 并通过持久的成长心态来建立信心.




“I knew of ACFCU’s work within the community through Leadership Arlington and was impressed with its community connections. 我伸出手的那天, 吉姆·威尔莫特给我介绍了凯文·谢菲尔德, 谁立即启动了我的申请程序. The loan I received made a huge impact on getting through the first two months of the pandemic…


尽管R.E.A.D. 与其他非营利组织相比,它的规模很小,但从未让人觉得它是次要的. R.E.A.D.中国的成功对中华全国总工会和我们同样重要. 他们把客户的最佳意图放在心上. 中华全国总工会反应迅速, 有帮助的, and committed to business members large and small and the Arlington community as a whole. 跑,不要走,从今天开始和中华全国总工会做生意.”

R.E.A.D. 相信家庭是孩子第一个也是最重要的老师, and we want to empower and honor their role in helping their child develop a lifelong love of reading. Families get to choose each month which book they want their child to receive from a list of five books.


Tanya Sullivan | Plus One Strategic Communications


如果您正在寻找新的金融机构,请立即与中华全国总工会联系. 他们会及时响应,并在你的商业旅程中帮助你.”


Plus One Strategic Communications is a communications firm specializing in the rural broadband industry. 他们关注的是员工和客户调查等文化变革, 销售文化发展和业务发展计划.  


Zak |咪咪货运

"I would highly recommend doing business with Arlington 365体育投注英超联赛欧冠 Federal Credit Union today."

“在过去的5年里,中华全国总工会一直在帮助我的生意. 他们以365体育投注英超联赛欧冠为中心,提供更低的利率. 我强烈建议今天就和他们做生意.”


护理驾驶beat365体育亚洲官网在线, 为亚历山大的居民服务, 弗吉尼亚州和阿灵顿周边地区, 瀑布教堂和费尔法克斯, 北弗吉尼亚,致力于服务和价值. 这是DMV批准和法院指导的驾驶beat365体育亚洲官网在线.


Wendy Zenker | Arlington Neighborhood Village

“我们向每一个接触到的人宣传中华全国总工会. 顾客服务和便利性是惊人的-加上,他们有很大的利率."

“ACFCU doesn’t have competitive rates; they have the BEST savings rates for businesses and consumers in Arlington. 总工会以多种方式支持阿灵顿的企业和居民……


在我的商业角色中, I learned about ACFCU and over the past three years have transferred much of my personal banking to ACFCU from a traditional long-time Arlington bank due to the more favorable rates of return on [share certificates].”

Arlington Neighborhood Village is an essential piece of the social safety net for seniors in Arlington, providing volunteer services for older adults from all segments of the community and collaborating with the County and senior-serving organizations to make aging in place possible for those who want it. ANV is a trusted source of information and insights relevant to aging-in-place and Arlington’s aging population.


Zakiya Worthey | K. 羔羊有限责任公司


“ACFCU is my business partner in ensuring that I am taken care of and have access to all the information and support I need to create a successful business…


每个人——从接听客户服务电话的人到银行出纳员, 一直到首席执行官兼总裁凯伦·罗萨莱斯, is truly 有帮助的; and they will go out of their way to assist you.”

K. 羔羊有限责任公司是一家提供战略业务规划的咨询公司, 工作场所文化和组织咨询, 多样性, 公平和包容能力, 政治服务和变革管理最佳实践和技术. 








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核磁测井# 477974.

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